Franco Advogados | São Paulo | Porto Alegre | Brasília | Florianópolis

Thaís Pinhata

Rio de Janeiro.

Areas of performance:
Direito Penal Empresarial.

Academic qualifications:
Research-student for Ph. D. in Law (Candidate) at Universidade de São Paulo – USP;
Master`s Degree in Philosophy and General Theory of Law at Universidade de São Paulo – USP (2015);
Bachelor of Law at Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR (2012).

Portuguese, English, Italian, Spanish.

Professional background:

  • Thaís Pinhata ishead of the team ofCriminal Law,Compliance and Corporate Ethics, on Franco Advogados.
  • Relevant performance in consultation and litigation regarding criminal law.
  • Author of various articles in specialized periodicals and Websites.
  • She has contributed with three collective books on Constitutional and Criminal Law.
  • Collaborator of “Projetos de Extensao e Formaçao”, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
  • Member of the “Forum de Juventude Negra”, Parana; Member of the “Rede de Mulheres Negras”, Parana;

PINHATA, Thaís. Fragilidades Resistentes: Mulheres e os Termos de Bem Viver. Editora Autografia, 2018.

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