Franco Advogados | São Paulo | Porto Alegre | Brasília | Florianópolis

Judicial reorganization and /or recovery of companies

Franco Advogados has extensive experience in debt recovery processes companies and bankruptcy, representing different interests, including (i) the recovery of credits, with or without guarantees; (ii) the representation of lenders, lessors, landlords and tenants; (iii) the mediation of negotiations involving creditors and Debtors; and (iv) advising on debt restructuring plans, including: 

  • The recovery of credits within the scope of judicial and extrajudicial recovery processes, as well as bankruptcy; 
  • Representation of a group of creditors, holders of guarantees or not, in debt restructuring negotiations for insolvent companies; 
  • Advising debtor companies in the preparation, negotiation and implementation of debt restructuring plans; and
  • Corporate reorganization of companies in a delicate financial situation.